Preliminary information

Team member’s details can be found on the team page.

Guiding principles

Have respect for each other, our ideas, and our time Be open to hearing and sharing with the team Work together and support each other

Preliminary focus on purpose

Create an informed design with significant evidence to demonstrate that it would be enjoyed by potential users.

Group roles

We will rotate through roles being flexible with respect to individual skills and schedules.

Division of labour

Tasks will be divided by the amount of time we anticipate they will take as fairly as possible.

Developing a team plan

All - Contribute to brainstorm Google Doc to focus on a joint geospatial museum problem to tackle Add personal revisions to Google Docs (contract and group proposal) Steve - Create the Github project page and share with others Write up group proposal and add to site Linda - (at Grace Hopper) Set up Google Docs Assist with contextual inquiry proposal and add to site Julia - Write up contract and add to site Assist with contextual inquiry proposal

Meeting management

Meetings in person weekly scheduled through group chat (likely on weekends) Have a purpose for each meeting. Begin by recognizing good work accomplished. End with clearly assigning specific tasks and deadlines.

Accountability process

Primarily we will hold ourselves accountable for completing our assigned tasks within the given timeframe. Tasks will always be assigned with a date by which they should be completed. If a date is not specified, it is the responsibility of the assignee to follow up with the group to decide on a deadline.

Rewards and punishment

We will celebrate our successes and recognize the work that brought us to that point, acknowledging the individual contributions of each team member. We will give each other critique never to tear each other down, but to build up our collective project. We will receive critique with an open mind and knowing that we are working to the same goal as our teammates.

Follow up

We keep this contract as a living document to which any member of the team may bring up revisions at any time. Changes will be made upon approval by all members of the group.