
Heuristic Broken Description Severity
Control & Freedom User cannot go back to previous screens 2
Visibility Once a gallery is selected, the artworks are not highlighted 1
Control & Freedom Cannot exit app after opening 4
Help No explanation of what “random” means as opposed to “search” 3
Flexibility & Efficiency Can’t switch between galleries 4
Flexbility & Efficiency Can’t go back when selecting gallery 3
Control & Freedom Can’t pan/zoom piece 1

Evaluation 1:

Conducted by: Daniel and Spencer

Facilitated by: Steve

evaluation 1

evaluation 2

Evaluation 2:

Conducted by: Javi

Facilitated by: Linda and Julia



1) Back buttons

One of the main issues that was identified during the evaluations was the option to navigate backwards to previous screens, going back to select different galleries, or switching between galleries. We made revisions of this below. The lack of these buttons made it difficult to provide flexibility to the user if they made a mistake or changed their mind. In addition, this prevented them from exploring the app in its entirety.

back buttons

2) Highlight selected piece

Another revision we made we made was highlighting the piece in the gallery that user wants to interact with. This wasn’t something we’d thought about, but think it can be useful in indicating to the user what they selected and can serve as feedback to user that the app is working.

highlight piece

3) Help

We made changes to provide help to the users if they weren’t sure what the app was supposed to do. To provide help, we included a question mark button, which would direct the user to a new screen that provides more information.


4) Pan & Zoom

We included a pan and zoom option when the user wants to learn more about a piece of artwork. In this picture, the new piece is supposed to show a zoomed in version of one of the art pieces


5) Keyboard

We overlooked that we needed a keyboard in our prototype for when the user wants to search for a gallery


6) Exit

We included the ability to exit the app.



This is the pieces of our revised prototype, which includes the revisions we made.

revised prototype