Problem and Motivation:

Have you ever used something and wanted to know more about how it came to be, but this information was not readily available? Our team members got together and realised that answering this question, with a focus on museums, can positively add to the user experience, and help them appreciate their physical surroundings even more. If you walk into a museum today, all you’re most likely to see are the installations it has. But these installations were never just placed randomly. Someone, or even teams took time to carefully decide what went where, or what was fit to be included as part of the museum. Some of the pieces have been there from the start, while some have constantly been changed. This is an untold story, the museum’s story, which we think should be explored.

Proposed solution:

Solution - Our team proposes developing a program that will work with any smart device, that is bluetooth or wifi enabled. The program will have a database that will contain historical information about the museum itself, dating back to the earliest records available. Both visitors and stuff will be able to access information on how the the galleries in the museum have changed over time. From the kind of installations the museum had, to their arrangement, down to what inspired the museum to make certain changes. The kind of information they will have access to will change depending on which part of the museum they choose to explore. Users will be able to view this information as a timeline for easy comparison between time periods of their choice. Think of it as the museum itself being an installation that the users can explore to help them better understand the space they are in.