Home Screen

This is the first screen the users see when a user clicks on the application’s icon to open it.

Home Screen

User location detection

The application will detect the user’s location within the museum so as to be able to present relevant installations. The user will be asked to confirm that the location displayed is actually where they are. If not, the application will recalibrate and ask the user to confirm the location again.

Opening Screen

Once the user confirms their location, they will be prompted to choose between a random view of the gallery’s installations, or search for something specific.

Location Detection

When the user selects to view installations randomly, they are shown previous installations from a random time period. As the user walks around with their device, they will be able to view superimposed installations from the random past gallery.

Gallery View


If the user chooses not to display a random gallery, they have the option to search for a past gallery.

Search Results

They can search by name, date, artist, or type. The app displays an auto-fill as the user types.


Once the user selects a gallery to view, the app prompts them to confirm their selection.

Gallery View

After the user confirms, the app displays the gallery.

Interesting Art

Once a user is viewing a past gallery, they can touch an art piece and the app displays the title and artist of the piece. In addition, they have to option to learn more by clicking on the “Learn more” information bubble. The user will know what past gallery they are looking at as it will be labeled on the top of the screen.

More Info

The app displays a more detailed explanation of the art piece for the user. The user can return to the gallery by selecting the back option.

The Big Picture


Image Source: The Fishbach Gallery