We are choosing a design that is a combination of two of our designs, which will be an AR app. The target audience for our design is museum visitors. Our design is better suited for this target audience because it provides a different museum experience than they are currently used to. Based on our contextual inquiries, our participants emphasized wanting easy access to things and the option to explore. We think that this AR app fulfills these preferences because most users have access to a smart phone and our app allows the user to explore past galleries. In considering the possibility that users won’t be incentivized to download the app onto their own devices, the museum could provide tablets with the app already downloaded. The two tasks that we have chosen to focus on are: 1) View past galleries 2) Interact with past galleries

We previously had revisiting past galleries as one of our tasks, but broke that down into these two tasks. We chose these two tasks because they achieve our goal of incorporating a part of WCMA’s history into the museum experience. These two tasks work together because the first one brings a piece of WCMA’s history and the second allows for the user to explore the history. Moreover, from our contextual inquiries, our participants indicated that they liked having a way to visualize information because it helped them connect the past to the present, which is emphasized in the design of our tasks. Another driving force for choosing these two tasks is that they are well-suited for AR. This design provides a more interactive experience with art in that the user is able to view current galleries, compare it to an augmented past gallery, interacting with it and learning more about these past galleries.

1) View past galleries

View past galleries

2) Interact with past galleries

Interact with past galleries